Friday, August 12, 2011

When I fart poop flies out...why?

for the past 2 days when I toot poop flies out.I was wondering I was wondering if you knew what this is. Please help me.

Why did the UN fail in its plan to create a Palestinian State in the late 1940s?

The Palestinians themselves rejected their state;A. The surrounding Arab nations unjustly attacked Israel

Anyone work as a lifeguard at kings dominion?

Do you know a lifeguard named malik? palestinian? have no contact of him and my friend has his stuff! need help

How do i not hurt her?

Well there's this girl that i think likes me...?? She kinda gave me the hint she wanted me to take her home on her birthday but i didn't. Well i like her but i'm sexually frustrated and i know i'll try to bed her if we end up alone. However she's a nice girl and i don't think i want a relationship so i didn't pursue her for a long time. We just say hi and talk when we see each other. What should i do?

Why are Republicans calling Obama an Elitist and a bad Leader but Elitists make the strongest leaders?

Elitists are also out of touch with regular people. If you want someone that has zero clue what's going on then sure vote and support an elitist.

What should I do? should I mention anything to her?

This girl who went to my school moved to London so shes friends with basically everyone in my grade but about 5 months ago I got a friend request from her and we started inboxing on facebook very little. But the thing is she already moved and I didnt even know her. So long story short we became really close and skype and talk mostly everyday and I even became close to her friends in London. The thing is its so weird since she went to my school and how close I am with her but I havent even met her. She hints that she likes me and even her friends in London tell me how she talks about me all the time. But to be honest I find the whole online relationship weird. But its not like im talking to a stranger since shes gone to my school and everything. I just dont want to be mean and make her feel that I dont like her because I do and I feel bad because I talk about girls all the time to her but I just cant help it cuz its not like shes with me. Everything is just really weird becuase I do consider her a close friend even though we've never met.

How can I communicate my standards?

You've just got to be strait with him. Tell him you don't want to be a drinking buddy and that you really don't drink as much as you have with him. You can't really beat around the bush on this one...

Bully prevention tips?

beat them up that's what i did when i was in middle school and getting ready to enter into High school. what you are going threw is not as bad as the bullies i had to deal with in school i'm s female and when i went to school on the way home on the bus everyday i would have a hat on and these two boy would put cookies on my head and then take a big math book and smash the cookies on my head and hey did this every day well one day i got sick of it so i beat the **** out of them i was a good fighter then after that they never pick on me again. when i went to school everyone pick on me because i was diferent i was a tom boy all threw middle school till i got up in high school.

How to let go of my fear of getting hurt?

im about to start my junior year of high school and i've never really had a boyfriend or my first kiss. everyone says they don't know why because they say im really pretty.(not trying to toot my own horn) i think i cant really get a date or a bf because my parents marriage was over when i was 7 but they stayed together till i was 14. i don't want a relationship to end up like there's. my friends say i'm afraid of that so i don't let people get that close. all i want is someone who makes me fee safe and i can be myself with. i'm only myself with my BEST friend. like i don't even know if i'm attractive (not trying to get compliments) i don't know what to do or how to let go of this fear. i'm so scared of being alone for the rest of my life.

Everybody ALWAYS stares at me..?

there probably sexually attracted to you. but once in a while, there maybe a guy that is very weird and fun, he may be on the ugly side, but what im saying is there's AALLLOOTTT of people out there that just want to have sex, but there's some people that like you for you, take up the opportunity and give em a shot, they may be amazing in a relationship...

I cant help that i get along with guys better then i do with girls, is that my problem?

iv said it before but i didnt get any real answers... iv always gotten along better with guys then i do with girls because girls are always bitching or spreading rumors, guys are laid back an good to hang with cause they would rather avoid drama... i have 7 brothers an majority of my friends are guys (without benefits) i live with 2 of my guy friends who are pretty much my bestfriends... my problem is, iv been single for 5mnths (havent been with anyone AT ALL) i was in a relationship for 2 an a half years so i feel un-experienced. dont get me wrong, i can still flirt an i get alot of compliments even when walking down the road i get cars tooting an people yelling (which is really annoying) thing is, the guys i like usually like someone else or end up seeing me as a friend. i dont tell them i live with guys, i dont tell them i have more guy friends then i do girls.... i used to be quiet an shy, i would just talk to guys an they would think im flirting.. now that iv come outa my shell its not that great, i attract jerks or playas, i even have a few guys (i saw as friends) that wont leave me alone, calling and texting all hours of the morning... why cant i just attract normal guys? what am i doing wrong? should i go back to being quiet an shy?

Liberals i need a good comeback?

I'm not a liberal, but I'll give you advice. You're best bet is to simply do research on Hamas and also find out why Israel attacked Hamas.

Do men strongly oppose feminists?

I fully respect and support feminism and equal treatment for women, and I fully disrespect the handful of "men" who object. However, I think some of the negative rep that feminism has comes from radicals and posers who don't "subscribe to" the concept so much as they use it as a platform to air thier laundry lists of personal baggage and/or and excuse for own hatred and maladjustment. That's unfortunately the case with any ideology, social political or spiritual.

What songs can I play at my multi-cultural wedding.?

I have gangster friends, cholo friends, family members that are almost like aristocrats... What songs (examples) can I play there to please all of them.? I won't play anything like "Toot It And Boot It".

Am i an 'emo'? What makes you emo -.-?

Yeah, im usually depressed, thought about suicide before. I will never cut myself, im too squeamish too anyway. Yeah i have a fringe covering my face because i find myself ugly and everyone denies it even though im not hinting for denials �.� i don't listen to any emo music. I get called an emo but i just think its a word for plastics and bitches to call people when they clearly dont know anything about you. Well im just asking thanks.

What do you do when your boyfriend farts in class?

i was sitting right next to him in readin and all the sudden you hear boom! Everyone giggles and he hinds his face in the reading book. Now people are saying " Your bf is gonna make a nice train 'toot toot'" Or random stuff . What do I do??

Who is right israel or palestine?

i just wondering because people always say israel is wrong but when the palestinians attack first and kill children but when israel trys to defend itself people go wild especially muslim countries

I love her but it is complicated. Please help. What should i do?

If she is still seeing that other, guy then I would say that you should make it clear that you're not going to make any moves until she is single. However, if she is single, it sounds like she really likes you so I suggest you go for it :) Good luck!

Does it annoy you when people do wimpy farts?

That barely make a noise and don't even smell bad. I just stood in a group full of people tooting earlier today, and not a single one of them did a REAL fart,like they actually meant it, and I thought, how wimpy can they get!? A true fart is a statement- something everyone will notice and temporarily be overpowered by, and make you feel like you actually accomplished a fart to be proud of.

Young mothers? Do you get dirty looks from people?

yes & no. Im 17 and have a 3month boy.some older women qlare and once a woman came up and grabbed my sons head when he was sleeping and said i wasnt supporting his head! some people have no filter! qirls my aqe tend to stare but im sure its cuz they're curious but most smile and say how cute my son is :)

My parents are really annoying me? please help!?

okay, its going to be difficult writing my story, without making it the length of the dictionary but here we go! when i was about 2 my parents got divorced. i live with my mum now and ill cut to the chase- we have 14 cats. i love the cats, but i hate living with them. my mum has always been my best friend but lately shes been acting really mean! i go to the school across the otherside of town and so all my friends live the other side too! so tonight i ask my mum if she could please take me to the movies and then I'd go out for a coffee afterwards. she asks why my friends want to meet me across the otherside of the city, and i say because they all live there! then she says, I'm not taking you unless its the local shopping centre. the tough part is, i dont want to toot my own horn or anything but I'm such a good girl! I never go out partying, i have a job and support myself, and i use public transport to get everywhere! the only reason i didn't use public transport that night it because it was too late! I got upset so then she gave in, and said she'd take me but then she says "i'm never taking you anywhere ever again after tonight- you'll have to toughen up and find your own way" she was a downer the whole time in the car, she wouldnt talk to me. I really appreciate the fact that she went out of her way to get me there, and so I let her know. me and my friend went to watch a movie and then we went out for a coffee afterwards like i said. I'm walking back to go meet her when i get this phonecall from her being like "WHERE ARE YOU? TOO BAD! I'VE LEFT- FIND YOUR OWN WAY HOME!" i can understand her being angry, because i was a little bit later than I said but leaving me? is that really responsible? we've been fighting for a while, but this was really the breaking point. I was so upset and angry- i had no idea what to do! then the cars pulls up and she has a massive go at me. I'm just sick of everything. the cats. the mood swings. I want to go live with my dad, but my dad is just as bad. I'm just really upset, I need to get away! i would move out, but I have nowhere to go and I'm not rich enough! please help?

How do I let him know that I might want sex?

I met this guy 4 weeks ago at boarding school for sports. We see each other everyday and eat every meal together. We instantly hit it off and a few days later he kissed me. Since then we're now boyfriend and girlfriend and we're falling in love with each other. I'm 16 and a virgin. He's 17 and I'm not sure if he is. I really really like him and want to hint that I'd like to try or explore. He's very mature for his age and looks like 21 or 22 even. I really think that he's incredibly different from all the others guys, and I want him to be the first one. How do I let him know (without telling him or appearing slutty) that I want to?

Where does it say in the Bible that Jesus was born on December 25th?

Hint: it doesn't state Jesus' birthday anywhere in the Bible. December 25th was merely the last day of the Roman pagan holiday Saturnalia which was a big orgy celebrated around the Winter solstice.

How do you tap into psychic abilities?

So...i dont care if you think its fake or not because i know for a fact it's real. I'm in the 2nd house cancer so it comes naturally for me to feel that way. But i really dont know how to get more control of it, or get more abilities, clearity. I have dreams like when something is going on in the moment, i will dream about it, and i will dream about how my day goes, certian things that will happen. I have plenty of omens, i can read people like a book & i can finish peoples sentences with ease. Not trying to toot my own horn just saying because i want to know what type pf psych this is & how can i access it more? Right now its very faint.

Can you be arrested for honking at a police officer?

Sure can, this proved it until he was found not guilty. Than a law suit was filed. I say the man is going to be well paid. But you posting this still doesn't prove all police officers will act in this manner. Nice try though. Nice way to get your fellow cop hating buddies to make dumbass comments. Do keep posting, i like to respond.

What is a blog used fo and how does it work?

At my kids school the parents always ask me for recipeis and for advice on kids. I have two very funny and accident prone, that makes for good advice.And not to toot my own horn the only things I am good at is my girls, (for now while there small, 4 and 6.That probably won't last very much longer.), and cooking. It is probably the only things I am good at. So they seem interested and that makes me flattered. So they asked me to start a blog and I have herd of them. I know that you talk about things on there so people can read it but how do I start and keep it updated. I did manage to find a few spots and followed the directions. After that I turned off my laptop and came back later and could not find it again. Could somebody take me step by step on what I need to start and how I can get in and out. Or maybe let me know if its even worth the time.

Could she be pregnant? What are the chances?

im curious to know why on the 17th you put it in then put it out.. lol thats odd.. and shes not pregnant most likely

Am I the only economist in the politics section?

What boggles my mind is when specialized educated folks like those who study economy can't answer my most basic immediate questions when we talk about their topic of learning.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

How long can my LO go without pooping?

When my son was little he would go up to 4 days without a bm. He's 21 months now and is fine. Your son is more than likely growing a lot and doesn't have much to "waste". Don't worry about it. However if it goes on for 5 days or more go to the doc.

Is gay marriage lame?

I would have to say you are lame. Just because you don't want to get married doesn't mean many others don't. And Obama had nothing to do with New York, that was strictly a local affair.

Do you support the birth for a Free Palestinian State ?

Yes I do support a Free Palestinian State. And yes they deserve it. I am absolutely positive that if that were to happen, Israel would invade within 60-90 days!

I take alli few side effects help?!?!?

i took alli 1 day i saw few results soo i stoped the next day i had orange leakige the next day home alone thought it was a toot it was orange leakige again how do i make it stop fyi i am 12 years old

Why doesnt anygirl like me?

Haha bud "let the ladies come to u" be confidence and hold ur nose high, dnot let woman mess wit ur mind......besides u got a bik bro ride! and clear ur thoughts a lil bit lol ;)

Could i have handled this question better?

my 2 and a half year old is my little helper when it come to her little brother and she prides herself on it. anytime i am changing his diaper she will bring me a diaper and a wipe and rub his head to keep him calm. the other day she asked me why his 'toot" stuck out, and if it was a boo boo and if he needed it kissed :X of course i told her "no it wasnt a boo boo and he was fine" but she kept asking me why his toot stuck out, so being that my daughter is very smart i just told her the truth, i tol dher that girls have toots and boys have peens, she got it, i was very relieved it didnt go any further till later she was walking around the house saying that mommy has a big toot and daddy has a big peen, omg, i know she is just refering to us being bigger than her and her brother, but she has been saying it a few times for the past few days, how can i get her to stop or what should i have told her so it didnt go in this direction...

I tooted by accident at the libary an now every one is making comments an faces at me!?

I am at the libary cause our internet is out at home an I had to check my My Space an stuff an my email. I sneezed an accidentally let a little toot an it wasn't very loud or smelly but people starting to make comments like a bunch of smart alex an makin faces at me an stuff an I don't think that's very nice. It was a ACCIDENT an I am so embareassed.

Tarif Khalidi: A new evolution in the translation of Qur'an? What do you think?

it sounds interesting, ive never heard of this translation before. i have heard before that the best translations were saheeh international, and a copy thats very difficult to find called the majestic quran which was worked on by abdal hakim murad and others.

Why do some people have issues with corporal punishment?

A lot of people will say that children who experience corporal punishment at home usually turn out to be more violent when they grow up, and less attentive at school. Well, the definition of discipline in my house when i was younger was "If you don't do what you're suppose to, you're gettin a whoopin". And that seemed to be the most effective. And most of the times i got a butt-whoopin, i knew why i was getting it. Now that i'm older, i get excellent grades in shcool, i have never once gotten into a fight, and above all, i know the difference between what's right and wrong. And now that i'm older, my mom has no more need to whoop me, because she knows that she has "disciplined" me to the right thing, and that is what i try to do (most of the time). Of course the sensation of getting whooped/pinched is not pleasant at all, but it has still trained me to be a better person. So how could society view such a thing as socially incorrect? It worked for me, and it worked for my sister, and not to toot my own horn, but i'd say we've matured into pretty decent people.

What do I do about this girl I like?

She's a friend. I wanted to build our relationship before I let her know I like her, but she ended up dating another guy who she barely knew. I got over her, and told her the truth about how I used to like her but didn't anymore, and she said it was good cause she sees me as a friend. After she decided she didn't like the other guy (it was only a week later) I realized that I liked her again. I didn't tell her that, but we text every day and hang out pretty often. I want to be with her but I also don't want to ruin our friendship. Should I tell her I like her? Wait it out and see where it goes? Should I drop hints? Tell other people? Any advice at all is helpful!

Does my best guy friend like me?

He's like a brother and very sweet and always making me laugh. We use to call eachother bf & gf as a joke cause someone thought we were flirting then he asked me if we were really dating but I didn't answer. And he calls me the most beautiful girl in the world & he said without me the world would end & I'm important & he misses me sooooo much. Does he like me? Cause I like him and what are some hints I can give him over text that I like him? Sorry it's long thank you! :)

Should I leave this guy alone?

This guy use to like me and I liked him abit, but I didn't really make an effort and he did. But then when I started to like him, i made the effort and he didnt. I told him that I liked him and he said same but after that he was being so ignorant. I asked him to play out with he just shrugged. When he use to like me, he never asked me to hang out with him or anything. So I'm making more effort with him. He told me a week ago, he went out with someone. And I see him all over facebook telling girls how 'hot' or 'fit' they look. But the past two-three months he has been really cocky and I think thats due to him getting kinda popular with the girls. I kinda asked/hinted that I wanted to go prom with him and he shrugged. I found out that he asked someone else out, that really broke my heart. But I'am really confused, he hugs me and says he loves me sometimes but he mostly doesnt. Should I leave him alone and why is he doing this?

What are some funny pet names you and your significant other call each other?

I call mine Toots, Buttercup, Honeybun, Sugar T!ts, Sexo Catita, Beautiful. I am just looking for some new ones to call her.

If George W. Bush hadn't ended the economic boycott of Gaddafi's Libya, would the despot still be in power?

I recall Bush and the Republicans tooting their horns telling us all what a huge victory for peace that it was when Gaddafi allegedly gave up his "weapons of mass destruction" program. The adminstration was so enamored with Gaddafi, that they dropped the sanctions and opened up trade relations with Libya. If Bush hadn't befriended Gaddafi like that, would the tyrant be out of power by now?

Gifts for 10 year old boys under �2 - Urgent?

I need some urgent help. Can I please have some ideas for gifts for 10 year old boys under �2. Before you start, I don't want any old toot, I want something thoughtful, expensive looking and well generally reem. Thanks guys

Do you think it's wrong for an 18 y/o to date a 28 y/o?

its a big age diffrence, but if you continue to hangout and take it slow you cant help what evolves just dont rush or push anything and it wont matter the age.

If Obama gets re-elected next year, will Israel end up a pariah state like North Korea?

The best thing he could do is cut off their 3 billion dollars a year foreign aid and kick the zionists the hell out .Give Palestine their country back. let the zionists wander no one should be stupid enough to let them in their country. Send them to a island in the middle of nowhere where they cant be a menace to no one. That would be mercy compared to the crimes they have inflicted.

U-16 Soccer Season First Game This Week.?

I've been playing soccer since I was 3 years old(I'm 15 now) I usually play first division .. But this year my first division team is full of primier players except two(not counting me) and I have a feeling my Coah is going to hate me .. And last year I played alot I was the best on the team(not to toot my own horn) i had 12 goals last season and the next closest person to me had 2 goals..but I have a feeling this year I wouldn't get much playing time and I probably won't get my position(Stricker/Forward) either .. And if I don't I will be Soo mad .. I'll just have to switch teams tho. Anyways .. What do you guys think about my situation?

Why doesn't anyone have any respect for the Palestinians?

I agree with everything you said. The facts are on your side, no matter who wants to deny it or why.

When was the last time you had homemade Messycan food?

Im Salvadoran, but I have alot of Mexican friends and love Mexican food! I havn't had actual Homemade Mexican food in a while though...

Ways to get him to realize i like him even though im kind of shy?

So i really like one of my guy friends..we've never really hung out alone, but i talk to him and text him a lot. He always compliments me and he's really nice &funny, so i think he might like me? is there a way that i can drop somewhat obvious hints over texts without actually telling him that i like him? I'm kind of shy and i would never be able to ask him out or anything, but i really want him to know im interested. Thanks so much!(:

How could anyone support the Israeli settlers over Palestinians ?

The Palestinian pigs are way worse than the Israelis. The Palestinians want to obliterate Israel and hate jews. They're typical moslems. If I were President Obama I'd let the Israelis build new settlements if he doesn't to come across as a moslem lover.

Do you wear makeup to the stables?

Not since i was around 12-13. When i was that age id spend lots of time fixing my hair, doing my makeup and make sure to wear cute clothes to the barn, only to look like id fell face first into a pig stye by the end of the night. no matter how hard i try to stay clean outside just seems to embrace me so for me its a total waste of time and effort to get cutzied up before i go work with horses. I fit the B category.

Is it possible to grow naturally the shredded tooth enamel?

Your dentist first of all shouldnt have taken off your enamel in the first place. If it is a healthy tooth having that amount of enamel is good for it. Taking it off is the worst idea. It can make it so you have sensitive teeth and more brittle. So you would probably need to get a veneer/lumineer or have that tooth bonded to bring back shape to it. Bonding is a type of composite material that is similar to what they use for fillings, it is matched to your tooth color now and is sculpted to your tooth to make it look how you want it. Bonding the tooth will be less expensive than getting a veneer on it but those are the only things you can do. You enamel will not grow back, once its gone its gone.

PC shuts down after a few seconds ?

could be your power box, maybe a dead wire. Take it in for inpection. i had the same problem, but ended up just getting a new pc since that one was a few years old. just took out my hard drive

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Did Kareem Abdul-Jabbar do a slam-dunk against Israeli apartheid?

@ Kevin Israel does not practice apartheid ? Are you joking ? Are the miles of segregation walls figments of my imagination ? Are the 500 plus road blocks allowing Israelis to pass freely while the Palestinians have to wait hours or even refused entree figments of my imagination ? Are 1.5 million Palestinians imprisoned in their OWN COUNTRY figments of my imagination Come on mate we are not all idiots

What are some good virtual worlds for 10 yr olds?

All the good stuff involves downloads. I don't know what else to tell you. If you're not allowed to download anything onto the computer you're using then you're out of luck =\

Did B'lin protest against Israeli fence achieve more than diplomatic efforts?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

GIRLS 15-18.... I need some advice...?

I know that it may seem weird, but I've liked this one girl for like 3 years now.... she told me she loved me.... we'd talk on the phone for hours upon hours with each other about the future, and cried to each other about our pasts, and she hinted multiple times that we were going to be together forever, and that we would be going to prom together...we even fell asleep cuddling each other... I believed her, but she had a boyfriend and when she became single, I gave her her space and waited for the right time to ask her out, but she wanted to stay friends... we slowly grew further apart, and I got kicked outta my school for reasons beyond my control. in February, she phoned me and we hung out... it felt awesome to be with her again. she decided to sleep over, and went against her boyfriends wishes... boy was he mad. we didn't do anything though, and I slept on the couch and gave her my bed, because I didn't want to cause any problems. after that, we only talked once more and she wanted me to meet her boyfriend, who she told me about the night she stayed over, and I learnt he is a piece of cr*p, but I had to go out. now she hasn't talked to me since. I really believe that I can treat her better, and think I'm suffering from what they call lovesick or the blues. I really miss her and want her, not as a possession, but as a lover and most importantly, I want my best friend back. Why do you girls do this to the nice guys? Do you not think we have feelings too? And do you have any pointers on how to sort this mess out?

A guy texted me this what does it mean?

That he is interested in you and isnt looking for a one night stand thing. He wants to stay friends and maybe later more than friends.

Awkward commercials on TV?

Do what I do. I call the company that puts them out and tell them what is wrong with their commercials. So far I've gotten 12 of them removed or changed. For example, remember the one where the woman has borrowed her daughter's shirt and gets something on it. It's a stain remover commerical. The daughter wants to wear the shirt and she can't find it so she goes and asks her mom and the mom looks back and remembers she got it stained and forgot it so she 'lies' to the daughter and says she doesn't know where the shirt is. DUH. They just taught teens that parents have the right to lie to them so the teens might as well lie also. So I exposed that to the company and now you do not see the mother lying. That part is cut out of the commercial. I've done that to lots of companies and the most recent one I've called at last week was the commercial where they blow a bubble and the kitten is put into the bubble. That is teaching a child that if he can't do that then try a plastic bag since the bag looks like a bubble so he is now exposed to animal cruelty. Plus what do children think happens to the kitten inside the bubble when the bubble pops? It falls and gets hurt.... right? That is how a child's mind thinks. We'll see what they do with that one. If I see it on more than 3 times then I send a note to all my friends and ask them to call and complain as well. The more people that call the worse it is for a company so get all the information you need about who to call and then get all your friends to call and get the ad's changed or off the tv. That is what it will take. I'm getting good results on the ones I'm doing.

Is there really a traffic software that will help you in traffic exchange?

I'm wondering if there's a software that will help you generate traffic online, for traffic exchange. But where could I download it? Any hints?

How many more times will Palestinian Arabs declare "independence "?

theyll keep doing it until they get it. its their land and they will soon claim it, and independence, evn thou there being brutally and horribly killed off by unconsious monsters

"Do you think Galliano would have been fired if he had demeaned Muslims?"?

You would have heard words like freedom of speech if it was the other way around, but never ever say anything bad against God's Chose people.

This guy is always complimenting me but never asks me out?

Theres this guy name Aj, super popular and not to toot my horn but I am too. He always tells me how much he loves my eyes and how fly I am and hes even hugged me plenty and kissed me on my forehead. But he never asked me out yet? Why?

Does he still like me? Or am I wasting my time?

if you like him then stick to him only and tell him and wait for it. dont go out with another guy in the meantime. he's prob not happy coz he probs thinking what the hell did i say no to her and regretting it. ask him, tellhim u like him, talk to him. find out. hint to him and if its a no then mention in a text or conversation that you think ur gunna start dating and then see him running for you haha

Mascara or ??????????????

My eye lashes are long but blonde.You can not see them .Now do not laugh but I tried coloring them with an el marko no go :( :( :( SIGH.Well I just got this great idea.I am going to paint my eye lash wand with black nail polish.I am going to put vasaline under my eye and above my eye for protection.Do not try to talk me out of it.I am hell bent.I live in Indiana from California In Cali You have to look like Miss Hollywood .Here everyone is so kicked back.Mascara is such a pain in the pa toot for me to put on I am spoiled not wearing it for 5 years.Well if this does not work I will keep trying .Hair dye did not work.:( :( :( Any other ideas ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ?Fake eye lashes is not an option :( :( :(

Okay so I find this guy staring at me, but when I get near he runs away...Do I repel?

I think he is really shy or gets nervous around you and so maybe he doesn't want you to see him like that. I would try to walk up to him, if he tries to go away, said hold up, wait for me or ask him where is he going and if you could go with him. If you are able to talk to him, make him comforable and talk about anime. Then i would suggest you asking why he is running away from you...if he doesnt answer then he is shy and i wouldnt ask again and say "nvm..dont worry about it" and Maybe if you try to give him hints or flirt with him alittle maybe he will see that you like him..Oh wait, you never mention if you liked you? If not, then i would just talk to him and maybe later, you will be good friends ^^

Why does the password reset disk not work on my windows 7 laptop?

I changed the password to my laptop and do not remember it. So I inserted a flash drive to my friends desktop to make a password resetter disk. Afetr that I plug it into my laptop and click reset password, It asks for the name of the drive i click on the name, after this it asks for a new password and then again for confirmation and password hint. Then when i click finish it says "An error occured while the wizard was attempting to set the password for this user account." What do i need to do to make it work, and can i bring it to radioshack or somthin?

How do you tel if someone is lesbian?

since she is openly gay then i believe you should tell her without needing any hints. if you werent sure of her sexuality then that wouldve needed the hints, but shes all good when it comes to telling her , and you never know ,maybe if she knows she might help you out and you will soon be out of the closet

Helping Newborn with Constipation?

My son was born on March 18th. He has been extremely healthy and happy up until this point. But, he hasn't pooped in two days. So, today he was very fussy. Every time he tooted he was extra fussy. It looks like he's trying to go.. but nothing comes out. How can I help him? Should I call his pediatrician? Is this normal for newborns to expereince?

Do you think I would have a future?

I'm a refugee who came to Canada, after almost 5 years of living I'm Canada, they decided to reject our claim of refugee and send me and my family back to our backhome, which in this case is palestine, but since there's war there they are going to send us to Lebanon fr where me and my parents were born from. I failed 3 classes in my freshman year which is this year and I didn't earn the three credits. And I can't go to summerschool because I have to go backhome. In Lebanon, you can barely find jobs because I'm Palestinian and Palestinians are not allowed to work unless they have a Lebanese sponsor. I think I have no future :(

Is this considered cheating? What should I do?

Don't dump him do some investigating yourself invite him over when he leaves the room look at his text messages, when your at his house look on his computer to see if he didn't log out of facebook. If you hang out around this girl call him over if he looks nervous hit him with questions most likely he will tell the truth but first get your friends to surround him when he comes over and bang you have your answer.

AUSSIES! Does K-Mart sell Tamagotchi v7s?

My younger sisters birthday is coming up on the 10th of this month and she keeps dropping hints that she wants one! I would order from Amazon but I knowit will not get here on time as I have ordered from them before and it has taken weeks to arrive. Pls help, thanks

Muslim ladies, help pls?

none of this has anything to do with her religion if it did she would not be dating a non muslim, its all normal girl issues i think she wants to be with you but at the same time does not want to deal with the long distance part, but seriously how far apart do you live from each other

Confusion about a girl i like?

There's this girl I like. Her names mandy. I be had a criush on her for a month now. Everytime I try to ask her out. She seems really busy. She has a job that requires getting up at 6am. I know she sees me as a friend maybe but I already gave her hints I like her alot in a different way. When I text her, she replies but when I don't se doesn't. I wish she did. I don't know what to do right now, I've waited for a month to take her out, she had finals so that done now. I want to know what to do next. I wanna let it be but my feeling for her is strong. Waitng is also a pain right now. What do you guys think I should do? When im feeling good at times, just thinking about the fact that she isn't really liking me in that way hurt and sometimes make me feel like crap. Any advices would be nice, thanks

Should any of the 20 countries involved in the next flotilla to Gaza send a few warships to protect them?

against another Israeli attack and thus avoid any further unnecessary loss of life ? Any attempt to stop this flotilla is illegal in international waters just as Israels blockade of Gaza is also illegal. If this flotilla does have arms on board do not the Palestinians there also have the right to defend themselves just as Israels well armed military keep saying .

Why do Jews try and tell Palestinians what they are?

when Jews are like the only people in the World who can't agree on what they themselves are? Some Jews say a race, others say only a religion. Why don't they try and figure themselves out before trying to examine others? Or is this simply a defense mechanism to deal with their own identity crisis? Thanks.

I need a SUPER ANNOYING SICKENINGLY CUTE nickname for my boyfriend?

I think you should go to the internet and google nicknames for boyfriends and it shows you a lot of options to choose but sometimes they aren't that yea and i hoped i helped......

Help 18th Birthday present!!!?

rent a HOT stripper and have her give him a lap dance. everyone will be like dude LUCKY! (I'm not a perve or anything) because if I was 18 that would be good. lol

Is demonizing Israel the only way they can make Palestinian more marketable?

If you have traveled to Israel the difference in the blocks between the Israeli controlled sections and the Palestinian controlled sections is instant and stark...the Israeli controlled sections are all green and vibrant and the Palestinian controlled areas are desolate and dirty and drab...the Palestinians have been hood winked by their leadership by blaming all their problems on israel rather than looking within and creating their own vibrant society.

Girls, do you like guys who...?

Guys who dress casually but with a hint of "swag"? Like a hoodie, nice jeans and matching high top shoes?

Extremely Gassy 15 Year Old?

15 Year old with Aspergers, constantly Toots but has severe gas pains and sometimes says the Toots wont come out, is there any way to help get them out, all the gas meds dont work, tried diet, nothing works! Thanks in advance

Please help me (self harming)?

mate this might sound harsh but just grow a pair go to the doctors get sorted out go to party's get pissed like other 18 year old and just have a good time and do stuff you like maybe out door stuff

Why isn't sex very pleasurable?

I'm a 17 year old male and I have had sex for the first time with my girlfriend who I feel is my soul mate. I find her very attractive and she really turns me on. I couldn't keep a steady erection until i knew she loved me, which means I feel emotionally attached to her. We're very passionate with each other during foreplay and sex. However, when we do have sex, I give her multiple orgasms and tells me she feels fantastic (Not to toot my own horn), but yet I don't feel very pleasured. We've had sex 3 times and the first 2 I only felt a little pleasure. The 3rd time i felt more, but still not much. She's getting self-conscious because she has yet to make me orgasm, and each session lasted about 30-45 min. We have decided to take a break from sex and I want to know why I don't feel the pleasure every man has been talking about because I don't want my girlfriend to feel like she can't make me feel good. She doesn't know I feel like this. Please help

Who does Palestine really belong to the Jews or Palestinian Arabs?

The Jewish people. They were taken over and forced out, but they came back. Israel is no more Arab land than Spain is, which was also taken over for a time.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Will Arabs recognize Israel if a Palestinian state was formed?

No. Arab states hate Palestinians and do everything they can to sabotage an agreement between the PNA and Israel. Even the Palestinians secretly admit the Arab states hate them.

What does he want from me? (Is he genuinely interested or not?)?

There's this really great guy who is very caring and a total gentleman (he's genuinely like that). However, when I think about his personality, he's almost perfect, but... We have no intellectual connection and I've begun to think that he wants a quiet and simple girl who never expresses her opinion. Maybe I'm just overly curious person, so I don't understand the fact that he has no curiosity about my point of view. I often ask what he thinks about different topics, but he never asks me these things. Yes, he often asks if I'm hungry and what I'd like to eat and where should we go and he notices when I'm suddenly sad or just thoughtful, but it's not enough... I guess I am too demanding, but intellectual connection is extremely important to me. Even if I don't agree with significant others opinion. Now I'm afraid that it shows lack of interest, esp. because it seems like he only wants to cuddle. I actually hinted once that I think he only wants to have sex with me (since he sometimes makes very suggestive jokes), and he was very offended. He said that in that case it would mean that he had been lying to me all this time and he would never lie to me. Which seems true, he is sometimes surprisingly honest (for example, he said that although I'm almost perfect in his eyes, he'd like if my breasts were a bit smaller). Basically, he confuses me. I can see that either he doesn't want ONLY sex or he's just very patient (he has never crossed the line...or at least yet). But if he doesn't want sex, then why he acts like he's uninterested? Or maybe he doesn't act uninterested, maybe he's just not that curious as a person?

Is it actually possible to get a 100 on the Trigonometry Regents?

yes it is very possible b/c when i took the geometry regents i got a 100. I know geometry is a lot easier than trig but if you study hard it will come nautrally.

Does these hints from a boy show that he fancies me ? (Read Details)?

READ: I fancy this boy and he doesnt know and i act like i dont even notice him but when hes around me he acts all silly and trys and showing off and acting sexy and in school lessons he always looks at me every minute but hes like really good looking and im average i dont know if he fancies me or not?

What can I do with Histroy and Science?

I have this strong passion for History, The Tudors and Ancient Egypt in particular and Science. I've chosen to do GCSE History and I don't mean to toot my own horn but I hope to get a 'B' minimum. I want to know if I can make a career out of those two. I've recently become interested in Archaeology, I don't know if it's a good choice or not. I've been learning Spanish since year 7 at school but have decided not to go any further with it, I don't like the way we learn. I learn by doing, I'm not a big fan of books. What qualifications would I need to be an Archaeologist in the UK? I'm doing Geography, History, Religious Studies/Philosophy and Ethics and Food Technology for GCSE. What career do you think I could go into with those options? I'm not too keen on Geo to be honest. I only chose it because there we no other options. I'm scared I'll fail it. I'm not dumb but I'm also not the smartest of children. I'm what you'd call "average" I'm in sets 3 of 5 in English, set 3 of 4 and set 1 of 5 in Science. Again, I'm not the smartest of people. But I LOVEE Science and History. I'm a keen learner. Please help me. I know 14 is a bit early to be thinking about firm career ideas but I’ve suddenly got a sudden interest in archaeology. I’m led to believe it combines my two passions. Please and thank you.

Are dogs like humans, do farts mean bad diet?

My little one likes to toot constantly! She eats every morning her vet recommended amount and we feed her organic, healthy dog food, but she constantly blows our minds with her foul stench. Help! Does a dog's gas reflect their diet?

Why has the israel-palestinian dispute been one of the most long-lasting and intractable conflicts in world hi?

I need to write an essay of 2.5 pages on this question. I need 3 really good examples, one for each paragraph which should be 3/4 a page long. So far I have 1947 where the Jews kicked the Palestinians out, and the Six-day war in which Israel gained more land. Personally i dont feel thse 2 examples are very good, and i need 3, please help.

My husband is complaining about his tummy hurts and his toots are incredibly bad!?

He has been under the weather for a few days now, but he is now complaining about his stomache hurting; and his toots are unbearable! Is there something I can do to help him feel better without going to the Dr.?

Why does she act so different around me?

This girl I like keeps dropping hints that she likes me. She says things like I have been dreaming alot about you and even asked if I would take her out to her favorite resturaunt. We write notes to eachother (nothing heavy like "ilove you" or anything) i'm always a little flirty in the letter but it seems that every letter i get from her, she just talks about her day and random crap lol i want her to be flirty like she is when i talk to her! why do you think she's like this?

How do I figure out my style?

That has got to be. The gayest. Most overrated. Most gayest. Musical Influences I've seen. Its 2011, ok? Stop living in the past and listening to 60's ****.....especially 50 years later... and if you like to sing and think your a diva chances are your a fat girl who thinks she/he/undecided has a good voice. Country music sucks, why don't you pursue in a music that takes more talent that singin like a redneck *** sisters banging redneck and playing your lame acoustic guitar.

I need a subtle hint status(:?

I don't even know if he reads my statuses, but if he does I want to put a quote or something that basically says I want YOU to text ME first, but not quite so blunt :P

College recruiting..............?

i'm a junior and right now i'm having a tough time in the recruiting process. i want to go to a top division I school, but a lot of the schools that i'm interested in haven't seen me play and my next big tournament isn't until the end of May. i have no interest in the schools that contact me, so right now i have very few options. my family is telling me to call these coaches and talk to them, but i'm so nervous! i have only spoken to 2 college coaches, but they had asked me to call them. i have never initiated a phone call, so i don't know how it will go. i'm going to get it done because i need to be more proactive but i just need tips/advice. i have a lot of academic and athletic achievements, and i was told by a few people that i have to "toot my own horn" and not sit in the back. also are there any good questions that i can ask?

How do you nicely hint to someone that they REALLY need to get a job or get out?

My brother in law has been living with us rent free since February, been jobless since November. We pay $100 a month for his cell and he has $0 in income so we've never seen a dime from him. We also have a new 3 month old baby to take care of. He is 30 and has 2 boys that also stay here with him more than 50% of the time. So we went from supporting 2 ppl to 6 ppl. I'm not working cuz I have a baby and go to school so we live off one income. I don't know how to nicely kick him in the butt, and say, hey you need to get a job and start helping out cuz we can't continue to support you!

How can I like my in laws?

Well, the best way is to look for the good in them. If you stop focusing on the bad then all you will see the good. I'm not telling you to completely ignore their imperfections, but for a change try it and you will eventually find yourself liking them.

Is it possible to grow naturally the shredded tooth enamel?

You need to have it polished otherwise it can cut your tongue or have cavity in the future. Discuss with your dentist about your concern on the thinning of your tooth, the dentist might have a better solution for you.

Liberals why is it when I search for Palestinians on google I get frightening images?

Not surprising since the Palestinians have been mistreated more by their Arab "friends" than Israel has treated them. This is a sad fact. The people nobody wants, especially the Arab Nations of Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and the rest.

I pushed my firend and she broke her tooth? can i keep it?

I got in a fight with my firnd and pushed her. she broke her toot on the door. should i give it back or kepe it? remember i want the money from the tooth farry.

Is it normal to have a crush on your cousin?

It definitely isn't overly normal but if you can transform your intense love into sisterly love then you should be good to go. Every time you think of your cousin as a girlfriend or whatever remember that your parents are siblings and you are family. Would you date your sister? Ew! Think of it that way. It may also help if you find another girl to crush on. Preferably someone from your school or place of work. Good Luck!!

I want to move out miles away from my parents house, how can i?

First of all i'm far from having a job or having any money. But is because i'm afraid that if i do get a job i'm going to have remain in my neighborhood. (which i don't like) Where i live the aparments here are very! expensive and crowded, lots of crimes here, i'm not sure i would want to pay something that i wouldn't be satisfied in living in the first place? I mean it will not be worth it for me. I wanted to live outside the box. There so many things going on in my life, like taking care of my nephew all the time without them paying me much and cutting mt time for that is one a thing. Don't get me wrong i love and care about my family. I just want to start anew. About two years ago, 64 miles away from where i live, i visit a friend of mine and he introduce me to his neighborhood. I fell in love with the neighborhood, the enviorment, it really felt like home. I want to move there instead, it suits me well. I don't know what steps i should do for me to proceed on moving over there. My friend offer me to live with him over there. If i do i could be able to get a job, save my money, and move to a decent apartment. But, i'm shy to ask him if the offer still there i really don't want to sound pleading, thank goodness that were really close friends. What do guys think i should do? Time is really wasting for me, i'm not young, i'm not happy, the only way i could be is finding a job having a decent place and move on with my life. Hint: all of my friends that i have or they could help me live over there too.

In YA Politics, do a majority of us like to imagine having "bad" people killed?

Enforcing the border with force is not the same as killing people over differing political ideologies. I don't want anyone to die. But the use of force is sometimes the only viable option. Often the believable threat of force is enough to deter aggression. If you see a "Trespassers will be shot on sight" sign, it makes you think twice about trespassing. So armed guards with shoot on sight orders at the border would certainly deter all but the most determined border crossings. At the same time, we need to cut the red tape that makes legal immigration so difficult. People will follow the path of least resistance. Make legal immigration easier and illegal immigration harder. More people will choose legal immigration. Right now our policies are backwards. It is not a matter of wanting to kill anyone. It is a matter of presenting a credible threat to deter aggression and intrusion.

How do I get him to stop trying to flirt with me without being mean about it?

If you are not interested in hooking up I don't know why you gave him your phone number, but you did and that is done. Now to move on, his behavior is odd to say the least. It does seem as though he is trying to constantly get your attention, maybe he isn't talking to you because he feels intimidated by you, or afraid of rejection. Whatever the case may be it makes you uncomfortable so I suggest you talk to the manager of the facility tell him this guy's weird behavior makes you uncomfortable could he get the guy to stop, or you may change your membership to another gym. Times are crazier than ever now and you have really got to be careful. Make sure you watch your rear view mirror when you leave the gym, and don't walk around alone at night. And from now on Do not give a stranger your phone number wait until you have established a friendship with someone before you do that from now on. Good luck.

Terrible pains and 19 weeks, 3 days pregnant. Anyone help me?

Sweetie you have to call your doctor. He or she will give you the best answer, probably that you wouldn't get on here. Just call them, and ask if you can come see them. Best of luck.

What are the stereotypes of Palestinian men?

I'm half Palestinian and from what I have always heard, Palestinian guys are kinda dirty minded and bad, XD.. is this far from the truth? I have met many Egyptian guys and they are BAAAAAD! -.- So I'm also wondering who you think are the most decent Arabs out there? I think Khaleeji guys are very attractive but I heard they're quite loose? Maybe these are all stereotypes but I'm curious to know how true this all is.

What should I do to get a boy to notice me?

well. I'm 16. never had a boyfriend. I'm really nice and everyone says I'm funny...not to "toot my own horn" I guess is what they say. I'm not the prettiest, but certainly not ugly. the problem is NO guys like me. none. zero. I guess I'm kinda shy but this year especially I've opened up alot because I want to get more guys you know interested in me. but as you can tell, NOT working. there's someone I have my eye on. he's a freshman. the only problem is school is ending and i don't know if i'll be able to get to know him before summer comes. he's friends with one of my best friend's younger brother so i was thinking that could help but i don't want it to be weird for anybody. how can i get to know him in time? of course i will hang out with him in the summer and stuff but we have to be friends through school first. we have no classes or lunch together b-t-dubs. what should i do? alsooo how can i just be more confident so maybe someone will like me? sorry for being so weird. -_- blahhh thanks

Unlike Egyptians, Libyans or Palestinians; why are cubans so afraid to protest against puppet dictator Fidel?

all the puppet leftist dictators are falling one after other. Raul and Fidel are two leftist puppets with olive green uniforms: two old and weird corrupt narco-puppets. Cuba needs to be democratized and annexed !

Should I refrain from wearing the Keffiyeh?

Why would you bring a foreign conflict into Canada? Assuming that you immigrated here, it was presumably because you sought a better life. So leave the old country disputes behind you and concentrate on being a good Canadian. If you want to protest the treatment of Palestinians by Israel, go to Israel to do it.

How many Gazans have starved to death?

None. Food products flow freely between Israel, Gaza and Egypt. Hamas has made certain that food costs, while high, are no higher then in any other 3rd world country....they don't want to lose the support of the people....that makes sense politically and Hamas is an effective political machine. In most countries as badly run as Gaza generally is food costs take up to 80% of a families income. Gazans spend more like 60% of their incomes. The UN keeps track of these kinds of statistics. I suspect that they publish this information from time to time. The last time I researched a similar question food supplies weren't a real problem in of's a big problem..people actually do starve there. Of course many Gazans have no income and are supported in whole or in part by various charities. They receive various food suppies at centers set up by the UN, the Red Cresent and certain muslim charity organizations or directly from Hamas itself. Hamas to it's considerable discredit spends considerable money on military hardware, at least as much as food aid if not more. Exactly where all the money comes from is a real mystery.Eexactly where all the money goes is a bigger mystery.

How many of you know that Facebook is not browser independent?

Hint: sign out in one browser say safari and open in another browser say Firefox closed as signed in. Happy hunting. :)

Why are we British NOT very united?

This is typical of many so called 'united' nations and kingdoms. Different 'united' states of america for instance, they're all americans but still have issues with each other due to laws and finances. I'm from London (a southerner) but live in yorkshire. I constantly debate with friends the differences in social and cultural behaviours and these are all English. Still a divide and no border has been crossed. I think it's human Instinct. Territory! That said, you can't blame some people for disliking the way things are done. For instance, you and I have to pay for prescriptions and if our families want to go to university, they have to pay extortionate amounts of money. In Scotland, they don't pay for prescriptions and the new university charges don't count to Scots. All tax money goes into and gets drawn from the same pot so how is that fair. This aside, I was born and bred in england but have both Irish and Scottish family. We do remain the UK regardless.

I care about my boyfriend but I'm in love with someone else. I don' want to hurt my bf. he's been through ****?

I think you should tell him right away. It will be more painful if he is dragged on longer. Dont feel obligated to be in a relationship bc he might hurt himself if you break up with him, you are number one to yourself. Keep in mind, im not trying to be condescending but maybe you like your bestfriend because he is new and esciting. However, either way you should get rid of your current boyfriend because its obvious he is not the one you want to be with forever if you have such feelings for someone else. Its not gunna be easy, but give your boyfriend space when you break it to him and know emotions sometimes cant be controlled so its not your fault. It will only be your fault if you lead him on.....bets of luck!

What cheese is the best?

I really love cheese. The make me toot which feels good. I always eat cheddar cheese but I wanna try a new kind. Any suggestions? Lol I like eating it out of the bag.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Parents of young adults, I need your thoughts?

Its all about control! First off your 19 your an adult she can't tell you what to do anymore. The best thing you can do is finish up school (I would see about going out of state) get a job and move out. Your best weapon is to be as fiscally independent as fast as you can since that what gives her power, remove that and she won't have anymore control

How do I get over this pain and confusion and embarrassment?

Just get out and go drink and stuff. Go out with friends. He's doing it so quit waiting around for him. Just go do you

My snake just tooted and out came some clear slime.?

He had eaten a couple of weeks ago and has already digested and pooped out that meal. But now all of the sudden he made a toot gas sound and out came some clear slime. What in the world is that and should I be worried. He seems OK but I have not ever seen anything like that in the 3 years I have had him.

Any older bands I should know about?

I'm into stuff like like sublime, pixies, blind melon, bob marley, toots and the maytals, nirvana, bob dylan and a whole lot of other bands and what albums should i get?

Do I dislike my inlaws or am I just jealous?

.Envy is more your problem. His mother is knockout georgous and 20yrs your senior. His dad is a bit of apain about the "Great I am". All this is normal and who cares if your parents don't like them. They're probably a bit envious too. So stop telling the folks stories and try to make your husband happy

I have Bipolar Disorder... read inside. ?

I think I have bipolar, and I am only 13. I havent told anyone yet but I really want to. Theres no point anyone saying its hormones, I dont know about you but my 'hormone cycle' has no effect on my moods. You really should get diagnosed and tell people. You can get medication which would help and is not dangerous like smoking!

I like to sing but am afraid to tell people?

I LOOOVVEE to sing! i always do and not to toot my own horn or anything but i kinda think im good. i did my school play and my friends thought i was really weird, they all love sports and stuff. im afraid to tell them that i like to sing and might actually want to make a job out of it one day. but hey will think im super weird. any advice? thank you!

What color should i color my hair?

my natural hair color is a meduim brown with a hint of red. i want to color it since im growing my hair out. im like an olive skin tone with dark brown eyes but i wear true sapphire and brillant blue contacts so i wanna have a hair color that looks good with those. so any ideas would be wonderful

What should I do for my 4 week old daughter who is fussy with tummy problems and isnt pooping normal?

How are the poops not normal? Just because she only went twice? How's the consistency? If she is pooping twice a day and it is normal consistency, then then she is not constipated. If it is harder than usual, try suppositories. They work very soon after inserting. You are not giving her more cereal than normal or thickening it more now are you? If so, I would go back to the way it was before the problem started. Also, to get the fussiness to pipe down, try a heating pad. Be VERY careful, some get too warm. Put under blanket she lays on and layer them before lying her down. Do this when she is awake so you can place her on her tummy. This should soothe the upset tummy. When she is sleeping, lie her on her left side. Because of the direction of the colon in the human body, gravity works with this position to help pass anything that is in there. Good luck!

What are the best Reggae/ ska/ rocksteady/ dancehall albums i can get?

I allready have stuff by BOb marley, JImmy cliff, desmond dekker, buju banton, peter tosh, toots and the maytals, juniot murvin and max romeo. Thanks for your help :)

Why cant the palestinians and isrealis live in peace?

I just dont get it. Why cant the isrealis just leave the palestinians alone and why cant the palestinians just accept that they arent really going to get their land back and just move on with life and work to thrive in the future, alongside the isrealis?

POLL: Should i buy the blu ray version of lotr?

i've always been a fan of lotr, but i was never a collector. so anyways, i've wanted to get the movies, but would it be worth it if i paid just a little extra for the blue ray version? Or should i just go with the regular versions. by the way, it has 3hrs+ extended edition, i don't think i've watched that before lol... can you guys give me a hint of what's in it?

Car radio installation messed up the car?

after installing the radio the sound wouldnt work and then the radio wouldnt turn on and now when you turn the key backwards no lights come on and when u start the car the horn toots, and the lock button wont work! please help fast thank you in advance

What is the answer to this pleessssssssss?

The area of a rectangle is 2w2 - 19w, where w is the width of the rectangle. Write an expression that can be used to represent the length of the rectangle. (Hint: the formula for the area of a rectangle is A = l • w).

I think i might be gay?

i dont know what to think anymore. i am an extremely attractive guy not even tooting my own horn ;) and i can get any girl i want but ive never made a connection, i mean i always thought i did but something always went wrong. i would get angry about stupid things like if she loved me back or not or i would start questioning why i even liked them. i've been hurt so many times by that evil creature that plagues this earth called women and i just cant take it anymore. and lately ive found myself becoming more and more attracted to guys and i let comments about when i think a guy is attractive or not slip out in front of my friends and family and i cant help it. i dont know what i want! i just want to be normal :( but i cant fight this feeling that i'm not meant to be with a girl because theyre too much like me. i like poetry and romantic movies. i spen almost an hour everyday on my hair (thats cus i straighten it cus its too curly and i HATE that)i cry when something upsetting happens instead of nudging it off like my guy friends do, and when i get my heart broken i sit in my room and cry and listen to sad music instead of going and banging the girls bestfriend as my best friend so eloquently put it lol. i just want to know what im supposed to do. i cant explain any of this to my family theyre anti-gay to the max and they would shun me forever. ..i just feel so alone and ashamed what i feel normal? i cant tell anyone because im afraid of what theyll think. im getting more and more depressed every day that goes by because i dont know who i am anymore :( i started drinking heavily in hopes that it would ease the feelings and make them go away but they just end up being worse. please help. im soooooo lostttt :(

I can't fiqure computer administrator password?

Recently my brother just got our computer fixed and when we got it there was two accounts. It had been reset. One said owner and guest. It had a password on owner ! What the heck ? The password hint says myr11 which makes no sense we guessed that hint and it won't let us in the owner account and we are the owners. We even tried reseting the password. Please help.

Cultures and Groups: What was one of your most embarrassing moments that you can think of?

Mine was when I was laying in bed with my boyfriend and it was so quiet, but I let out a silent toot. He was trying to act like he was asleep, but I know he was awake. How embarrassing lol.

Muslim ladies, help pls?

A Muslim girl cannot kiss or touch a man who is not her family. She not allowed to be alone in a room with a man who is not her family. I know this from experience as one. Women are treated like sex objects in every aspect of Islamic life. Even covering their faces, it's all sexual; why don't men cover their faces? Do women not find men sexually attractive? Do they not need "protected" from the "wondering eyes of women"? Why is it just women that are sexually objectified?

Do you think this is likely all just paranoia?

Dudee, ur totally paranoid. You always think the worst when it really isnt that bad. Maybe the reason you arent successful with girls is because you dont go about it the right way. When you tAlk to girls, you gotta have a little confidence. Dont believe they wont give you a chance. If you show confidence, girls like that. And dont confess your love or feelings to a girl you barely know. Thats what creeps them out. So good luck and i know it will all work out for you!

Are guys intimidated by beauty?

Well, perhaps you are a bit quiet and that mixed with your beauty gives people the impression you are aloof. I don't know that for sure, but that is possible. Don't worry about guys approaching you. Start by making an effort to smile more, be more friendly, act interested in others, and approach others. You have to make an impression of being friendly, and maybe approaching groups of people will be a bit too awkward for you, so start with girls. Girlfriends can be a great link to guys, so just promote your friendliness for a while, and the word will spread that you are not only beautiful but nice, kind and approachable.

An Egyptian friend of mine just got engaged to a Palestinian girl living in Egypt?

maybe it will last allaho a3lam he loves her or not,mesh ay wa7ed yegwz wa7da wealthy web2a tam3an feeha.maybe he love her or maybe not we don't know what it's in his heart,and about the politics part egypt is a pro pals so why it will ruin there relationship

Sunday, August 7, 2011

What is the term for a person who believes neither Israel nor the Palestinians deserve the land?

If somebody is an anti-Semite if they're against Israel's occupation, and a racist Islamophobe if they think Hamas is f'in crazy, then what are the people who think both are too childish to rule the land called?

Should I have been invited to the game?

Both. And as a guy we get annoyed with stuff like that. Do you follow this team hardcore? He prob thinks he knows more than you about the sport and doesnt want to hear you brag if your team wins

Why does the US give away money to Israel every year?

Instead of using that money to upgrade the infrastructure or build schools, the US gives billions of dollars to Israel. Also, when do you think the US will get tough on Israel and force them to return some of the land they took from the Palestinians?

What should she do????!!!!!?

So yesterday my friend had sex with this guy.. they have been "talking" and stuff.. and now it just feels lonley..he told her this isn't a toot it and boot it thing.. he says he likes her but sex is a major part I think she got really emotionally attached! What should she say to him?

How to show you like a guy through texting?

i had this crush on this guy since like 5th grade im in 9th now and im sort of shy. He recently dumped his girl friend and i want him to know that i like him but i don't want to be so obvious like telling my friend to go tell him that i like him or just saying to him "i like you" or something else like that. I want to give like little "clues" or "hints" what are some things i could say to him but not make it too obvious?

Jewish Genetics go back to iraq?

Yes it's true. In fact, Abraham-father of Israelites- himself and his wife were Chaldeans, or Babylonians (Nehemiah 9:7). You can search on the internet and you will find that Jewish people (even Ashkenazi) have more genetic relation to Middle Eastern people than they do to Europeans. Khazar theory is only used by uneducated people who don't know and/or read much to legitimize their claim of Palestine and their hatred for Jews.

How can i find my ipod!!!?

okay well i got grounded and my mom took the most valuable thing to me my ipod.and im so sad.i asked her to givie it back and she said okay.then she tried to look for it and now guess what shes telling me that" oh i completeley forgot where i put it" right now i am so mad and those where days ago but we searched everywhere and we still cant find it and were looking for it today!and i told her is it broken and shes like no!omg so what im asking is there any physic out there i know it might sound lame and dumb but seriously i need someone to tell me where can it be and is there a physic that can help me find it.or can u list some websites of some physics.if ur not a physic or have any written sites for me please just go away!dont say stupid things like "lol" cuz then i will just report you!!!this is serious im 12 years old and music feeds my soulgrrr to give u hints i have a living room,den,3 rooms,guest room outside,and a gray room outsidie which is kinda freaky,2 bathrooms,4 closets....any ideas thanksss :)

Wife left don't know what to do?

My wife left about 2 weeks ago and says she is ordering divorce papers online next week. Started off the week before she left I seen something on her facebook page saying she was wanting a specific person to text her. I seen it and asked her about it. She said it was nothing just someone from work she was wanting to ask them something because they left early that day. I didn't believe it. She said she had no desire to leave at all. Two days later I text her at lunch like normal and she got mad about it. So when she came home I asked her about it. She said she needed a little space but didn't want to separate or divorce. So in the afternoons I started trying to do my own thing and give her a little space. 4 days after that she comes home and says she talked to her brother and is going to live with him and is thinking divorce but claims there is no one else. So she leaves that night. She is texting me that night saying I'm her best friend and that she will always love me but this is about her needing to find out if she can stand on her own two feet. Me and her brother are good friends and we hang out a lot even before me and my wife started dating. We were friends for about 6 months first been married for 31/2 years been together for 6. So she comes by about 4 days after that and says she wants a divorce. I told her okay but I think her reasons are bs. In between then and today when she comes over she kisses and hugs me and flirts with me alot. She calls me up yesterday to say she's ordering the divorce papers next week and then she says things that hints at another guy from work and when I call her out on it she starts getting mad and trying to change her story. Then she goes into saying I care about you but I'm not in love with you anymore and then says she's not attracted to me anymore. She goes to her brother and talks crap on me to him and he of course tells me what she has been saying to him about me. He thinks all her reasons for divorce are bs also. I still love my wife and want things to work out but I think it's one sided. I know she is bi polar and won't take her medication. She has even said she thinks she will regret divorcing me at some point. I was thinking about just cutting communication with her for a little bit and let her come to me. Her brother is the only friend I have and it's a little awkward to go see him if she's there but she's usually stays out all night about once or twice a week supposedly staying at one of her female friend's house. I don't believe that either. I don't really know what to do or how to move forward here. I've been exercising a lot and going out to see movies but that's really about it. I don't know what to do here.

What does it mean when your girlfriend or a female says this? ?

Me and my girlfriend will be dating for 2 months and she texted me saying you know its almost 2 months? And I said I know baby..she said you know what that means? And I said what baby? She said can't tell you :). I said no fair..then she said its a surprise for you and I said give me a hint and she said it deals with does that mean we are going to have sex? Or oral or what? If we were going to have sex she would say we are going to have sex right? Let me know what yall think..thanks alot

Does this girl like me or what? I know shes shy please help :/?

I wouldn't ask her. I'd back off some and just be a friend. You will know in time if she likes you once you both become friends.

For you guys, mature and serious answers only.. please help?

this guy and I really hit it off when we met. everything was perfect until my immature side (which never happens, honestly) came out and I did some immature things to this guy. like prank calling and texting alot. I think it scared him off, but every other guy tells me I'm a catch (not to toot my own horn), that I'm a good match and for him, that I'm the type of girl to settle down with. I wish I could start over. He is single cute and young. having fun with whom he likes. Honestly, not even the cutest hottest most popular guy could phase me, but this guy seriously has a hold on me. guys, have you ever had this? and if so, have or would you ever go back to her? i seriously don't get it. i'm strong and dont fall for guys, not worth it but him...he brought out a crazy side. anyways his best friend is interested in me and while he's got an amazing personality but I just want the other guy. I don't know what to do anymore. Should i give up? would he ever come back? please help. thanks.

I think theirs somethin wrong with my farts today?

When you become constipated, the poor little fellers have a hard time trying to find a home - so they will 'squeak' - but watch the silent ones - they can be killers - and peel the paint off the wall!!!

What is this called for baseball throwing and ketching and training?

Im just wondering is it like a toot or something or did i spell it wrong? I can anyone tell me please a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Is this anti-Zionism or anti-Semitism?

Its both, I'm Jewish and so proud, and I'm also zionist. There isn't a difference. There's only one case in which anti-zionism isnt anti-semitism, and thats when the anti-zion is a jewish person themself. I dont see how, but some Jews, are anti-zionist. Im a proud Zionist and PROUDLY Jewish! =)

Is it as difficult to get into medical school if you already have a career in the health field?

Although I'm in highschool right now,it's been my life's goal to become a physician. I'm currently a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), and not to toot my own horn,but I'm pretty skilled at it,at least that's what my peers all tell me. So let's fastforward and pretend I get an above average GPA throughout unergrad school (lets say like a 3.0),and I do about average on the MCAT, but I show my CNA Certificate and my awards I've earned through highschool for doing it, do my chances sginificantly improve? Any help here for this idea,thanks!

Help on Pre-CALC Please?

the roots are a and b , so the the x-coordinate of the vertex is at (a + b) / 2 , which is the midpoint between a and b

Why is Europe actually obsessed with Israel?

If you had a little pimple on your *** that was called Israel that constantly oozed pestiferous stink, you'd be obsessed about it too.

How to clear black stones on boards in jewel quest iii china region?

have been playing all day, no hint from game. how to clear black stones in jewel quest iii ciin region?

Should I buy Dead Space 2 or 1 (xbox360)?

I was thinking of getting Red Faction: Armageddon or Dead Space 2. I think I decided on Dead Space 2, but I was wondering should I buy the first one instead? Note: I'm only planning on buying ONE game, so I'm not going to buy the 2nd if I buy the 1st. Or should I just get Red Faction Armageddon? The destructible objects/ repair ability/ gravity gun seems absolutely amazing ( not to mention the mr toots weapon ha) but both Dead Space games have higher ratings on metacritic. Also, the foam finger in DS2 is pretty awesome ha.

How do I get over this pain and confusion and embarassment?

all women have been stupid over a man before just move on and don't worry about the embarrasement he doesn't seem worth your time you will get over it

Am I over reacting? To flirty while married or no?

I would not be ok with that one bit. I'd tell my husband he is being inappropriate and it is NOT ok for him to have any contact with her alone . . .

Girlfriend not putting out. How do I get her to?

You need to stop being a ***** and man the **** up. Catch her off guard and slam her up against a wall as soon as you walk into your house. START MAKING OUT WITH HER, HARD. Hold her hands against the wall with one hand, and grab her crotch with the other. Then proceed to the bedroom an sex her, angrily. :)

How to get muscles during the summer?

I am 5'7" 17 year old 135 pounds and I have never won a fight with a kid over 14 or over 103 pounds and never fought a kid over 105 pounds or over 15. I have lost all 60 fights to kids in high school and I am 12 and 75 aginst kids from the middle school including losing to a 13 year old 5'3" 96 pound kid who never won a fight before in his life till he beat me up and KOd me last friday night.

Israel: All deals are off with Palestinians if UN vote goes ahead?

And would that be a bad thing? One of the agreements was that Palestinians would not pursue accusations of Geneva violations in International courts. This is why UN recognition is so vital. Israel claims that many conventions and laws do not apply because they are between nations. A Palestinian nation could petition for UN observers, and a third party decision between borders as per international law and custom. It is the pinnacle of hypocrisy for Israel to deny Palestine the exact same road it itself took in 1948. Israel used the strong arm tactics of the USA to push its acceptance through (it took two votes BTW).

What do you guys think of the new "Nissan Leaf?"?

I think the leaf would've been cool if... They didn't call it the leaf; putting its driver up on an environmental pedestal. They didn't skimp on the car's range; the only reason they gave it a 100 mile range was the cost of lithium-ion batteries is too expensive to give the car the proper amount of them (there are electric cars with ranges of 300 miles). Ok, I'll stop, I just think that they're marketing it like "look! I'm saving the planet!" and thats dumb. Don't you guys think it would've been better marketing to say "F four dollar a gallon gas!" Btw, have u seen their commercial; "what if everything ran on gas???" well... I've got news for you, your little leafmobile does to. About half the power plants in the US are coal. Also, I find it ironic that they had a coffee maker w/ an internal combustion engine on it (t'was also funny that it looked like an engine from a 1930's indian motorcycle) anyway, a coffee maker is a similar kitchen appliance to a stove... which many run on natural gas. I'm just saying Come ON! these Nissan schmucks are really tooting their own leafy horns!

Why does my tummy hurt?

My tummey hurst bad. It started yesturday and after my shower. I lay down on my side, doesnt help I try to toot/belch doesnt work i try to drink ginger ale nothing. I finally try to drink warm milk and go pottey it did NOTHING!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!! my mom said that i wood be fine. but it hasnt happened btw im 12 if that helps.

Will Israel have diplomatic crises with countries that will recognize the Palestinian state in September?

Over 150 countries will recognize Palestine state in september.......israel con not do anything about it......the political crises will be within israel ......The failure of the current israeli government for not taking the peace negotiation seriously with the Palestinians lead to the announcment of Palestine state from one side and the recognition of Most of the world of Palestine state......

Who remembers the song "Dynamite" from the 90's which was sang by a black female singer?

It might be "Dy-na-mi-tee" from Ms. Dynamite, but that was released in 2002, so I'm not sure...

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Looking for a few good books- like mysteries and thrillers?

I just read "Let me in" by John Ajvide Lindgvist. It was pretty good. They made a movie about it but I hate to watch the movies made after books, it ruines it for me.

Girls- What kind of cologne do you like on a guy?

I want something very light smelling that it is overpowering. I dont want axe or oldspice. Any hints?

Why is it so hard getting into a guys pants?

Okay, I'm really not trying to toot my own horn. I'm no supermodel, but I've had a lot of guys tell me that they found me attractive, hot, sexy, etc. So, I've been trying to hook up with this one guy who messages me like, constantly. I mean, we talk about a lot of stuff, life, love, funny stuff that happens to us. I think he is really hot and he's told me he thinks I'm sexy. I'm pretty much trying to hook up with him but it's hard because a lot of guys I'm meeting today want I love talking, and I love being in relationships, being cute and romantic, but sometimes, I just wanna get it in. Should I just tell this guy straight forward that we should hook up? Or keep playing the game for a another 3 months? I haven't had sex with a man in...3 years. Yes, I was with a woman. Do not ask. I'm just wondering. What is it with guys not giving it up anymore?

Question about Confessing to Someone! Does anyone else feel this way?

i dont really see how liking him makes you below him? but i was in the same situation as you. try being a little more flirty than usual and see how he reacts before you tell him

What are the reasons for Black females having interests for Asian men?

I'm interested in Asian guys, & the reason for that is because I want to! ITS MY FREAKIN' TASTE MAN!! D:< nah, i'm playing, cause they seem cool & down to earth.

How Do I Win This 1 On 1 Game?

im 19 years old and this other guy is 19. Im real good in basketball and im very confident in myself, and he is also real good and confident in his self. my playing style is more of a shooting guard, his game is more of a point guard. I have a a really good jumpshot dont mean to toot my own horn but I barely miss, im quick off the dribble. he can shoot too and he is quick off the dribble. today he called me out and said he wanna play me 1 on 1. this is gonna be a real good game. he told me I was good but not his level yet. im excited. what are some keys for me winning?

Why do people think I'm an anti-semite just because I hate Israel?

Put a black guy in a room, surrounded by armed Klansmen. Tell the Klansmen to start taking shots at the black guy. At some point the black guy is going to start fighting back. When he finally kills one of the Klansmen and you scream "massacre!" don't be surprised when folks call you a racist, whether you are or not.

Girls: How do I drop hints to this girl!?!?!?!?

If you were 18 or something like that i would say 'fight for her' or 'dont let her go', but since you're so young, let her go. You can meet someone better than her & remember BROS BEFORE HOES, so let your friend have her, make yourself a favour.

Will this video finally put to rest the debate over whether Palestinians are from "Arabia" or "Palestine"?

a href="" rel="nofollow"

How do you deal with a narcissistic friend?

my advice, be frank. tell him on his face. because nobody likes a meme who cant shut up about himself. and mostly you wont lose him.

I met a guy at the club last night and i took him to my place but when?

he woke up this morning and I heard him tooting gas really loud in my kitchen and i dont want any part of that. he woke me up it was so loud. why did this man do this to me?

How do I hint at my boyfriend to kiss my neck?

I really like it when my boyfriend kisses my neck, i've even told him this. for a while he did it without hesitation because i had told him i really enjoy it, but now he never does. I keep hinting at it but I don't think he gets it. when ever I'm around him i always move my hair to the side making my neck open, and when I hug him I tend to always put my neck within inches of his lips, and he leans his head down and I keep anticipating him to kiss my neck but he never does. I thought i was being pretty obvious, but evidently not. Is there any other way i can hint at this with out actually saying anything?

Why is it every time some one on here says that Israel must give up it's land to Palestinians,?

they never call for jordan to give up its part of Palestine? they hold over 75% of what was Palestine before 1947.

How many Zionists who signed the Israeli "declaration of independence" were born to Palestinian parents?

Since none of them were born in Palestine, did they at least have Palestinian parents, or grandparents, or any kind of connection to that land other than religious mythology?

Trouble with men who love me ?

Ok i have a fiance and i love him very much we will get married when i turn 18 but i have 9 other guys that love me but i dont know what to do i love my fiance but i just dont know how to get these guys away they just dont get the hint that i dont like them like that. so tell what should i do im in desprate need of advice cuz i dont want to be mean to them but i also dont want to lose the man of my life.?

I look like a slut..?

With makeup, less is more. Don't use foundation at all, you're young enough you don't need it. If you wear makeup at all, only wear mascara. I recommend anything by Avon, they tend to look more natural. White eyeliner on your water lines and in the corner of your eyes can help you look more awake and fresh, which, believe me, is not what a slut looks like.

Where is the largest Palestinian community outside the Middle-East...?

Yep south America definitely, I live in England, however most of my relatives live in panama (im half Panamanian) and a lot live in other parts of s.america a also there are many palestinians who live in Chicago and California...and I mean a lot.

Looking for feedback on first attempt at a novel?

Learn your grammar, fix your format and trim those superfluous adverbs and adjectives. Leave it in a vault somewhere and come back to it in six months. You will be ashamed that you posted this.

What the heck would you call this?!?

when he says to "have a good night my dear friend" it means he thinks of you as more than just a friend. you're his "dear" friend...if you know what i mean. he wants more than mere friendship, probably. but to find out if it's sex or a relationship that he wants from you you need to sit down and have a real talk with him. ask him straight up what he wants from you. it's all about communicating. you'll really never know until you talk to him. best of luck.

Why does my boyfriend's mom act like this?

his mom is a B****. But if you love him you have to tolerate it. So just ALWAYS be nice to her. Kill her with Kindness. Believe me she will feel like a REAL *** being rude to you, after you always treat her so nice (i know it may be hard sometimes but just do it.) Don't even make him choose between you guys EVEN if he would choose you. That is his family, and evidently his sibling needs him, because his mom is such a half *** parent.

So let me get this str8 - if 2 countries are sending rockets or missiles into each other, they're not in war?

So if Israel and the Palestinians start firing missiles and rockets at each other, as long as they don't send ground troops in there, they're not in a War? That's basically what Obama is saying about the mission in Libya.

Is this another reason why should a Palestinian independent state be established as soon as possible?

Israeli bulldozers are quick to demolish illegal Palestinian homes but do we ever see the same thing happening in the West Bank where all the settlers homes are illegal.? My guess is that the West Bank have never seen a bulldozer

Is my idea a good solution for peace in the middle east ?

The Golan Heights and East Jerusalem were taken over by Israel in a war it started. Why do you think it's reasonable to permit any country to acquire territory by conquest? Furthermore, why do you think it's reasonable to permit a country to expel people or deny them the right to live in their land of origin, as Israel has always done? Your "solution" is basically approval of "might makes right" i.e. if someone has better guns they can come to your land and take away your home and property, order you out on the basis that your religious beliefs are different, or just any reason they want.

I have had the Ñ•hits horrible for days now. In fact, I'm typing while on a bedpan. Any remedies to suggest?

I mean, I just can't get the web cam set up to take in all the action, and if I don't deliver what the scat-lovers want, I don't get paid and then Maury isn't getting anything in his easter basket. How can I work it so that not one precious toot is lost on my live feed?

Friday, August 5, 2011

Incarcerated male serial killers--how could they best benefit society?

OXI's answer must've been reported 1000 times by the fascist homosexual JD accounts that now run this place, but I'll answer in his stead: incarcerated male serial killers would benefit society by being loosed within the prisons, permitted and equipped, to kill the dangerous, life-long criminals we're all paying billions as a society to house in prisons all over this country. Here we have these natural born killers going to waste, in single-tenant cells, awaiting the death penalty--it's about as stupid as trying to balance the budget in this country.

How to get guys to talk to you when you don't know them? GUYS?

K well I'm going out of town tomorrow for a day to go shopping:) I'm going to the mall I usually do and there's always one or two really cute guys I would like to talk to. I am told I'm an attractive person I'm not tooting my own horn I've just been told I'm "very beautiful and have a gorgeous body" words of a few different ex boyfriends. Any ways when I see a guy I like in a town we usually make eye contact and smile at each other each time we pass. But I want a guy to approach me and start talking to me. I am just sick of the guys in my town I live in a very small town and most of them have girl friends or are jerks. The town I'm going to is roughly 3 hours away so its not to terrible of a drive. Anyways I want to meet someone knew who doesn't know me and won't associate me with my ex boyfriend (star soccer player well known family super nice and every one loved him we were totally in love) and get intimidated and think they have to be like him. Sooo anyways how do I get a guy to approach me and start talking... I'm really nice and I get along with every body and I know I don't look unapproachable haha. Any advice is there any thing I could wear or do my hair a certain way? Haha Idk Hheellpp:)

So let me get this str8 - if 2 countries are sending rockets or missiles into each other, they're not in war?

So if Israel and the Palestinians start firing missiles and rockets at each other, as long as they don't send ground troops in there, they're not in a War? That's basically what Obama is saying about the mission in Libya.

Do you agree with the Gran Mufti of Lebanon who called palestinians "trash"?

If they are doing something wrong, then maybe yes, but these people pointing fingers sound like bigger issues. they sit back and say "those ***** over their, yes they are the issue". While they just sit on their ***. i do not know the situation, but if their is an actual issue pointing fingers will not solve it. If their is not actual issue, just a couple of differences that don't actually harm anyone. then well someone needs to grow up.

How did a bunch of arab Gastarbeiters all of a sudden become " the heroic palestinian people"?

Before you continue with your irrational ranting it would be advisable to learn a bit of history, geography and culture. Just using propaganda from one side doesn't make wrong to right.

Arab - Israel conflict :| help!!?

Palestine goes back way further then the Ottoman Empire except it was called by a different name. From memory the Jews are fairly recent occupants (about 1500 bc) .

Why did Kunkle lose the Dallas Mayor Candidancy?

Ill tell you why....cause no one got off the lazy azzzz to go and vote.I tried to offer people a ride and got cursed for my efforts.You know what.Im gonna start doing? Tooting my own damn horn and stop worrying about people that don't care whats going on in their own communities.When i went to vote their were two old men in there that could hardly see my name on My DL.i WAS STUNNED.Anyway i voted and moved on.I just now found out he lost greatly.I give up.If they don't ever vote it wont be my problem anymore to care what happens.You have a right.Exercise that right. When its all said and done...i will be alright.I just happen to care about my community and the people that live in poor neighborhoods. Perhaps i need a better cause because they don't seem to care for themselves.What should i do?

Is putney/wandsworth/wimbledon nice places to live for a family?

The best of these are Putney, Wimbledon and Kensington. Roehampton is alright as long as you avoid the large council estate there

A group of Palestinians, some Israeli citizens admitted to planning to abduct Israeli soldiers, plant bombs ?

Israelis Arabs might be Israeli citizens but this is another piece of evidence why it is a good thing they aren't serving in the Israeli army.

Question about forming a 3 peice band or a 4 peice band.?

3 pieces are more charming, especially live. However, when it comes to recording, you may feel like there is a lot of unused empty space being used. If you're going to be a in a 3 man bluesy sounding Black Keys kind of band, I suggest getting a boss loop pedal so you can act as two guitar players and still be a 3 piece.

Muslim ladies, help pls?

Salam There is no long distance if you really love her. You can visit her and get married with her.Jealousy is the sign of love..In Islam a girl would search for a husband who has good knowledge and daily practice as muslim,honest,loyal and respect and love each other. and also reaponsible

Where to learn Islam?

Besides going to a Mosque or school. What are ways that an Middle Eastern teenager in America can do to keep in touch with her traditions (Palestinian) and her religion? Are there any programs, clubs, etc...?

U.S. aid funneled to al-Qaida - Are you loving this?

And to think they've never found out what happened to that 6.6 billion that went missing in Iraq. You have to give it to Al Qaida, they do know how to raise money for the cause!

If the international court of justice says Israeli settlements in Palestinian territories are illegal?

The International Court of Justice (French: Cour internationale de justice; commonly referred to as the World Court or ICJ) is the primary judicial organ of the United Nations. It is based in the Peace Palace in The Hague, Netherlands. Its main functions are to settle legal disputes submitted to it by states and to provide advisory opinions on legal questions submitted to it by duly authorized international organs, agencies, and the UN General Assembly. The ICJ should not be confused with the International Criminal Court, which potentially also has global jurisdiction.

Why does the USA not want the UN to recognize the Palestinian State?

According to Your Poobah, we are sending money to NATO to save Libyan lives yet you wish to recognize a "country" run by terrorists? Sounds like hypocrisy to me...

Is the Palestinian lie exposed precisely when we listen to authentic Arab voices ?

The prominent Arab historian, Dr. Philip Hitti, expressed himself as follows at the 1947 Anglo-American commission of inquiry at the State Department : " Sir, Palestine never existed throughout history. Absolutely not ! "

I know this is lame, but what's a good excuse to talk to a guy on facebook?

We used to go to a tennis group together, but never really talked. I'm very shy and it's hard for me to tell someone I like them or give them any hints that I'm interested. To add to that, I'm always tired of being single :/ ..Anyways, last month I went to a prom with one of my friends and he was also in the group that went with us. Like I said, I'm terribly shy, but I noticed him glancing at me while we were eating dinner. I muttered a few sentences at the table, felt very uncomfortable, and figured I had ruined everything with the people I was going with. I got home and he had added me on facebook and sent me a chat, but I accidently x'ed out of it instead of opening it. He got offline before I could say anything back.. A month later, I'm still thinking about him and I really want to talk to him. I feel it's too late to ask him what he messaged me about, but I really want an excuse to get to know him. What would be a good excuse?

Facebook page for photography?

The first thing I would remind you to do is get permission to release your photos on FB, aside from that what a great idea. I wish you all the luck and I am for sure you will be amazed at the response you receive. Good luck Claire, and I think $30.00 is a reasonable fee.

Why is he calling/texting me?

he moved on you have not u still want him but he does not want you an if a man protects a woman from being hurt thats the one he loves so stop being desperate hes not calling or texting cause he wants u bac he wants his stuff thats all sorry

How do women feel about this common slogans?

They're the ones who are destined for a life of trawling bars saying things like "hey baby, where have you been all my life?" In other words, pathetic. Their idols are people like snoop dog. *barf*

Who Does The Land of Israel Belong To?

Gotta love that story! I am so glad I clicked on that link. In my opinion, Israel is the ancestral homeland of the Jews and should remain so and I believe time will prove this

Thursday, August 4, 2011

I just don't know anymore?

im 19 and have been in a relationship with with a 17 y/o girl for about two years. she had a bad childhood, father dieing at 5, being beaten by step dad for a year. mom is somewhat and alcoholic. not a horrible childhood but had to have some psychological influence. while young around 13-16 she went out with several guys. she told me that she only kissed them and that was it and had oral sex once with one. however psychologically she liked each one, even tho she barely knew them. she seems to fall in "love" very quickly, and by love i mean infatuated or lusting. or she might see males a sense of security as she never had a father so she uses them for a form of protection against loneliness or maybe as guidance. she tells me she loves me, she is loyal as can be but is it just because i give her security. as she grows i believe her insecurity will fade making her more confident and in turn making me less essential to her life. she says she loves me now but will she love me then or will she just seek the better outcome leaving me for another male. time will tell. if this does happen then there must be no way to know if love is real or not. ****, is love even ever real or is it just a complex mechanism by brain chemistry to fool ourselves into reproducing. then are we just always seeking for ourselves even when we say we care for others? i mean even if i give money to the poor im not only doing it because if have sympathy, im doing it because it makes me feel good for doing good. is it even possible to become completely altruistic. why do i always feel alone.why do most women just feel and not think. the woman im with never talks to me, she just listens to me talk about what she says to be "deep subjects". does she actually understand what i say, she says yes but i doubt it because no1 i have ever met understands my perspectives. if she doesn't understand does she at least care about what im saying or is it only my voice and it's projected direction towards her giving her a sense of attention. i doubt her because i know a few men who can deeply philosophize but why no women, i even met around the same number of each gender but still i remain abject. i know what my woman wants, she hints and even tells me it. she wants me to say that i love her but how can i love someone back when i have so much doubt in human values? do i get over it and force myself to conform being quick and certain with decisions despite the high probability that they will be reckless and lead to sadness. or do i regret whatever i do either way. **** life, were all dumb and unknowing. the worst people are the ones who think they're right and everyone else is wrong. ironically those people are all people.

How would, in your opinion, Palestinian Arabs apologize for the lie about Israelis?

Apologise for the theft of a few computers.? When will Israel apologise for the deaths of 340 children killed in cast lead or will they say these young people and babies were Hamas supporters and therefore terrorists ?

What would happen if Israel left the PA territories?

The first thing ALL Palestinians will do is celebrating their freedom.........then , THEY will decide their OWN future FREELY........One can wish them LUCK and to live in PEACE .......But ...What would happen when israel leave Palestine........would israel be a real democracy?.... A theocracy.?....or A dictatorship ?............An Apartheid state.......or A racist state....... Would israel leave the HIGH WALLS CASTEL mentality or BREAK ALL THE WALLS and live in peace with the neighbores......

How did Zenyatta the race horse get her name?


Pike fishing helpzzsssss!?

Okay sooo I am in the adirondacks an hour north of lake placid and I am trying to catch a northern pike. I am fishing on a rather small pond. I know that there are pike in here from past experiances. Any hints like types of lures.

What kind of plush is this?

These are plush animals that are (weasels,racoons etc.) And they come in different colors. They also have cute, big eyes. And here is A hint: They are not ty benie boos.

Physics Work Question?

You want to load a 125 kg piece of furniture into the back of a truck. The back of the truck is 1.1 m high, and you can only lift 40 kg. If you use a ramp, how long must the ramp be for you to use you strength (same as lifting strength) to slide the piece of furniture into the truck (Hint: Consider work)?

How do I appologise to them?

I recently got a Facebook, and when I was adding friends I accidentally added my boyfriend's friend and his mother. Both of them are Jewish, and his mother was freaked out because i'm Palestinian. I feel extremely bad for this, and I would like to appologise but I do not know what to say or how to do it. I didn't mean to scare his mother, or cause any conflict with them.

Racism = Nationalism when in White countries?

Europeans asked for it. Asians, Africans, Middle Easterners and Latin Americans did not asked to get colonized. So when they finally got there independence in the 20th century they wanted to build their own countries for themselves, while European countries were independent for hundreds of years (I'm talking about how the people did not get colonized, since some European countries didn't even exist in the time of the colonies).

I think I'm depressed but no one seems to notice?

It's really hard for me to reach out and ask this but I don't know what to do anymore. I'm 15 and for the past 2 months everything in my life has gone downhill.I feel so hopeless all the time. I can barely eat and i can't sleep anymore. Nothing I used to do seems worth doing anymore. Often I just sit in my room and cry which makes me feel weak. The problem is I don't know how to change. My parents don't notice anything and I'm scared to tell them. I've tried hinting my feelings to my friends but they brush it aside like it's nothing. Am I just overacting or should I get help? Please help. I don't want to feel like this anymore.

Why is it acceptable to call a Arab/Muslim a terrorist?

Today my boyfriend's Jewish Friend's Family publicly called me a terrorist simply because I am Palestinian. Whenever something like this happens, I am called anti-Semitic, because I am speaking up for my self. Why is it acceptable to accuse muslims/Arabs of something, but when we stand up for ourselves, we are shot down and called anti-Semitic?

Why does the US do nothing while Israel continues to steal land claimed by Palestinians for a future state?

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that the Palestinians are unlawfully annexing land to which they have no rightful claim?

Windows Vista, Need Help | Urgent?

It's useless. your locked out of your computer. Microsoft will have to fix it now. It's ur only chance. but you can try the hint you know. Type 'haha' in the password thing & that might help!

Everything has a end! When will Israel and Palestine sign a peace treaty and live in peace!?

Israel and Palestine need to solve there problem. This would help stabilize the middle east. Something has to happen. Two boxers can't stand in the ring slugging it out forever. That have to stop eventually as Israel and Palestine need to sign a peace treaty and live up to it. Maybe Palestine will need to pack there people up and move somewhere else then there will be peace. Since the other Arab countries always have something to say let them take the Palestinians into there countrys and give them citizenship!

Is Israeli treatment of Palestinian prisoners in accordance with the international law?

Its been stated that at present Israel are holding over 9,000 prisoners many young children imprisoned for throwing stones at the IDF This must be against human rights . Do Israel, as occupiers, have the right to imprison anyone, not to mention the 1.5 million imprisoned in the Gaza strip As for Gilad Shalit he is just a prisoner of war and when a satisfactory peace deal is agreed by both parties he will be released . He will be a major factor when they finally sit down and try to arrange some kind of deal

Boys keep asking about my underwear, like saying send me some pics and other rude things, please help! ?

Some boys I know are asking/ hinting what color my underwear is :/ Like at school there always trying to look up my skirt so they can see my knickers, or on a hot day if i take my blazer off, they say oh nice bra, and slapping my bum at school, ( I'm defiantly not a slut, even thought it might sound like it) anyway there really addicted to looking at me, or when i was in town and had l black leggings on, they were walking behind me to see threw them, and it's abit creepy, can anyone please help, tips/advice to get them to stop? Thankss..

Why does she flirt like this?

This girl I like keeps dropping hints that she likes me. She says things like I have been dreaming alot about you and even asked if I would take her out to her favorite resturaunt. We write notes to eachother (nothing heavy like "ilove you" or anything) i'm always a little flirty in the letter but it seems that every letter i get from her, she just talks about her day and random crap lol i want her to be flirty like she is when i talk to her! why do you think she's like this?

Does she she like me(girls, help plz)?

It seems like she likes you, but she may just be a flirt. Give hints an compliments about her and see how she reacts. Hope this helps.

Would he go back out with me?

You should really tell him this, because he could understand what you are going through. He might like you and take you back if you show him that you want him, and that you promise you'd never do anything to ruin your friendship even when dating.

How do you pass episode 4 in pocket god?

I got to the clue that says to "shake it off!"! I'm stuck and I dont know how to pass this hint?! How can I pass that achievement?

Question for men who don't mind being "honest"?

either you are not tickling his fancy anymore or he just does not have it any longer, and cannot get it up! the truth will come to pass sooner rather than later. just keep calm and do not rush to judgemt.

Why isn't everyone grateful to Obama for saving our nation from a world wide depression?

We were never in danger of world wide depression. They overexaggerated the situation so we can give tons of moneys to the bankers. I am angry he did that. Notice the profit of GOldmanSachs was about the same amount that tehy got through the AIG bailout.

Toot and puddle - what country are they from?

my friend and I have been curious and been arguing about this for quite sometime. At first we thought it was Canada, because it would only make sense. Then, in the most recent episode we watched, they were flying INTO Canada on one of their "adventures." now we're thinking New Zealand. If anyone has any idea, let us know. Thank you

Guys- Mature Answers Please!?

You could be missing out on something big. You need to message him and tell him exactly what you told us. I think you two are meant for each other, just from the way you described it :) lol

Right wingers and conservatives...?

Then whe do the Syrians, the Egyptians and Lebanon block the Palestinians? Do you know that their "arab brothers" passed laws preventing them from assimilating into their Countries. Not very loving behavior, is it.

Are more people apathetic towards the Palestinian people than supportive of them?

First, no one in their right mind trusts any "ad hoc" charity. How do we know you will not steal the money and go out to a fine French restaurant? We do not. Only legitimate charities that have track records and publish financial reports are worthy of support. If their executives are paid more than $75,000 per year, like the Red Cross, forget it, I would not give a dime. Salvation Army, yes, they seem to be legitimate and they have no highly paid employees. The Palestinian people are suffering, indeed, and I hate to see any human being suffering. However, there has to be some blame placed on the people themselves for the kind of government they have elected. Come to think of it, that is true in the United States who elected Obama and the likes of George Bush before him. We got exactly what we asked for. Your intentions to alleviate suffering seem sincere and I applaud you for them. Also, do you have like sentiments for the suffering people in Israel that must endure the continued attack of missiles and bombs and terrorist nuts? I hope you do. As for me, I have pity on all people that are suffering but pity does not go as far as it use to. In fact, it only assists in dealing with the pain of viewing suffering with almost nothing that may be done. With the current realities on the ground there are no solutions. If you lived in Israel, would you trust a government whose explicit doctrine included the extermination of your country and its people? I think not. Until that changes, we will witness another decade or century of fighting until someone uses a nuclear weapon and we will enter a new "dark age" in civilization. This may happen in the next 10-15 years.