Sunday, August 7, 2011

For you guys, mature and serious answers only.. please help?

this guy and I really hit it off when we met. everything was perfect until my immature side (which never happens, honestly) came out and I did some immature things to this guy. like prank calling and texting alot. I think it scared him off, but every other guy tells me I'm a catch (not to toot my own horn), that I'm a good match and for him, that I'm the type of girl to settle down with. I wish I could start over. He is single cute and young. having fun with whom he likes. Honestly, not even the cutest hottest most popular guy could phase me, but this guy seriously has a hold on me. guys, have you ever had this? and if so, have or would you ever go back to her? i seriously don't get it. i'm strong and dont fall for guys, not worth it but him...he brought out a crazy side. anyways his best friend is interested in me and while he's got an amazing personality but I just want the other guy. I don't know what to do anymore. Should i give up? would he ever come back? please help. thanks.

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