Friday, August 5, 2011

How to get guys to talk to you when you don't know them? GUYS?

K well I'm going out of town tomorrow for a day to go shopping:) I'm going to the mall I usually do and there's always one or two really cute guys I would like to talk to. I am told I'm an attractive person I'm not tooting my own horn I've just been told I'm "very beautiful and have a gorgeous body" words of a few different ex boyfriends. Any ways when I see a guy I like in a town we usually make eye contact and smile at each other each time we pass. But I want a guy to approach me and start talking to me. I am just sick of the guys in my town I live in a very small town and most of them have girl friends or are jerks. The town I'm going to is roughly 3 hours away so its not to terrible of a drive. Anyways I want to meet someone knew who doesn't know me and won't associate me with my ex boyfriend (star soccer player well known family super nice and every one loved him we were totally in love) and get intimidated and think they have to be like him. Sooo anyways how do I get a guy to approach me and start talking... I'm really nice and I get along with every body and I know I don't look unapproachable haha. Any advice is there any thing I could wear or do my hair a certain way? Haha Idk Hheellpp:)

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