Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Is it rude to fart at a funeral?

well my great-grandpa's funeral was two days ago an i went with my mom an dad an brother. well while my grandma was givin a long speech about him i realize i really had to pass gas. i held it in for about a half an hour until i feel it just involuntarily coming out of my rear end. it was not quiet. it was not just a toot. it was a full on obnoxious man-fart. my mom look at me with a glare on her i turned an glared at this random guy next to me (i didnt know him) like he was the one who did it. a few seconds before this, the room smelled like lovely roses...needless to say it did not smell like lovely roses anymore. it smell like rotten beans. or eggs. many people covered their noses with their mouths an looked in disgust around them. my grandma stopped making her speech, took out her hankerchief (dunno why she still uses one) an covered her hawk nose with it. dumb ppl...its not like i could stop that fart from escaping. wass it rude??

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