Wednesday, August 3, 2011

How to tell a guy you don't want to talk to him?

Ok so it all started in the first grade. (haha) there was this guy who liked me (I knew he liked me btw) and I kindaa..liked him, but he was a little...strange. (i.e. he bragged about his breath smelling bad and he was kind of aggressive...) this continued on into 3rd grade. then I went on an eight month vacation, switched schools and didn't see him again till a sock-hop at my old school in 5th grade. When I saw him, he wasn't much different. He was majorly "dissing" other guys that I was "reuniting" and visiting with, and he was still pretty wierd. Furthermore, it being a dance and all, he wanted to dance with me. But not just any 5th grader jumping up and down dancing, he was like grinding and crap. Needless to say, my friend and I avoided him for the rest of the night. Now about 5 years later, he has found me on facebook. The first thing that he did after we became friends on there was post on my wall how he had a giant crush on me 1-3rd grade. I just thought this was innocent (that was stupid..) and that he was pretty brave for coming out and saying that! So I replied I kinda had a crush on him back then too, and then I just kept the convo going a little bit so that he didn't think I was a b**** or anything. (I was NOT flirting. Trust me. It was just friendly conversation. But by where the convo was leading, I figured he still liked me. (duh, huh?) I began to cut off the convo a little and not comment on the post or anything anymore. Then he asked for my phone #. And I reluctantly gave it to him. (another bad mistake, but I didn't want to hurt his feelings by saying "no" and ignoring him. ) (I really don't want to have any contact with him. the more that he texts me, the more I keep thinking about the sock-hop and how I didn't like him--I know that people change, but he hadn't for the previous 5 or 6 years, and I don't think that he really has now. btw he's kinda a jock from what I gathered from mutual friends and his profile. I don't want another guy like that.) Since he started texting me, he types a smiley face or 3 after every message he texts me, he constantly tells me I'm "cool" (like 5 times per convo), he tells me that I'm beautiful, and he has invited me to his house and asked me what I'm doing on the 4th of July this year. If he were a guy that I liked I would be over the fricken moon right now! but he's kind of creeping me out. (it's hard to explain. If you knew him, you would understand.) I have talked with my mom about this and she agrees that I should stay away from him. I just don't want to hurt his feelings. How do I tell him that I don't want to talk to him or be friends at all without hurting his feelings? (I know you think I'm probobly a royal b*****, but please help?) I've tried to give him little hints that I don't want to talk to him by doing things such as not replying to texts, or being kinda short with him, but he's pretty persistant and aggressive. I mean don't you think it's weird that after just 4 frickin days he wants to get together and he's calling me beautiful and crap??Any input is appreciated. Am I just being stupid? Thanks a million! :]

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